
Billboard #1 Hits: #195: ” Hello, Goodbye”- The Beatles. December 30, 1967. #1 for 3 weeks.

  • Single: “Hello, Goodbye”- The Beatles
  • Record Company- Capitol
  • Genre: Pop
  • Written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney
  • Time: 3:27
  • B-side: ” I Am The Walrus:
  • Album- Magical Mystery Tour
  • Grade: A-
  • Peaked at #1 3 weeks in the Billboard Hot 100. #1 in UK Singles Chart. #1 in Australia, Canada, Netherlands, France, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and West Germany.

The Beatles 3rd #1 hit in 1967 and the final #1 hit for the year 1967. While credited to Lennon-McCartney this is a Paul McCartney written song. The b-side:”I Am The Walrus” was written by John Lennon and John wanted “Walrus” to be the A-side and was unhappy when it wasn’t.  I can see his point “I Am The Walrus” is the superior song here- while “Hello, Goodbye” was the more commercial song- and most likely to get to #1. This is the kind of song Paul could have written in his sleep. Not his strongest effort.

2 responses to “BILLBOARD #1 HITS: #195: ” HELLO, GOODBYE”- THE BEATLES. DECEMBER 30, 1967

  1. We had an 8-track of Magical Mystery Tour that played in the car quite often and my very conservative father relished singling out “Hello, Goodbye” as indisputable proof of the inanity of rock and roll, which of course made me love rock music even more.

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