Comedian Jerry Lewis-87 Today


Comedian Jerry Lewis is 87 today. I always felt Jerry was annoying for the most part. The Dean and Jerry movies- Dean was my favourite-he was the King of Cool. He was the key to their success while Jerry  got the headlines. Just my opinion. Anyhow. I did like two things about Jerry Lewis- one is his performance in the great “The King of Comedy” with Bobby DeNiro. Basically Jerry playing himself. Second, the old Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon-back in the 70’s and 80’s when Jerry was on non-stop. What great entertainment. Jerry Lewis though given his due was a million times more talented than punks like Adam Sandler who is just a poor imitation.

11 responses to “Comedian Jerry Lewis-87 Today

  1. Lews was OK when not trying to compete with the rest of the Rat Pack. Yes, “The King Of Comedy” was excellent. He was respectable in “Arizona Dream” in a supporting role. The “Nutty Professor”, though, was irritating.

    • I never saw “Arizona Dream”.. when all is said and done the most lasting memory I will have of Jerry is on the Telethon on the mid 70’s when Sinatra brought Jerry and Dean back together.

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