2013 National League Central Division Predictions

The National League Central Division predictions for the upcoming season.

1. Cincinnati Reds. The Reds again look like the class of the division. Fine overall team. Their problem once they reach the post-season will be the starting pitching. They won the division last year with their best hitter Joey Votto missing a big chunk of the summer. If they can stay healthy this year they should win the division and win around 95 games.

2.St.Louis Cardinals. The Cardinals always seem to be in the race and they will battle it out with the Reds for the division title. I wonder when they will call up their new phenom Oscar Tavares? Probably when someone goes down with an injury. The Cardinals have a solid all around team. If they don’t win the division I look for them to win one of the wild card slots.

3. Pittsburgh Pirates. The Pirates have collapsed the past two seasons. They have had 20 consecutive losing seasons in a row. I think they have a decent shot at breaking that streak but as a Pirate fan I am not getting too over confident about it. The key to the season will be the pitching staff. Can A.J. Burnett get another 15 plus win season out of his aging arm? Which James McDonald will show up-the one who was dominating in the first half of the season or the one who was possibly the worst starting pitcher in the league the second half? Will they bring Gerret Cole up and will he be a factor?

4. Milwaukee Brewers. They signed Kyle Lohse a few days and their starting pitching needed him. They still need some help in the starting rotation. They have Braun and Ramirez on offense. They should finish around .500 and battle the Pirates out for 3rd place.

5. Chicago Cubs. The Cubs haven’t won a World Series since 1908 or been in a World Series since 1945. Those streaks will continue. Cubs are in a rebuilding process. The Cubs will be in for another long season.

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