Singer Slim Whitman- 89 Today

Slim Whitman: All My Best [VINYL LP] [STEREO]

If you were alive in the early 1980’s you surely remember Slim Whitman. It seemed like for a couple years all you had to do is turn the television on and see his direct marketing television commercial selling his album “All My Best.” I remember me and my friends thinking that Slim was a hoot. Slim outsold The Beatles and Elvis combined! haha.

  •  Michael Jackson once said that Slim Whitman was one of his all-time favourite vocalists.
  • Slim was married to his wife for 67 years until her death a few years ago.
  • Beatle George Harrison cited him as an early influence.
  • Beatle Paul McCartney said that Whitman influenced him by his idea of playing left-handed with his guitar strung the opposite way to a right-handed player’s.
  • I do own a copy of the album “All My Best” it had been my grandfathers.
  • Slim was originally signed back in the late 1940’s by Col. Thomas Parker, who later went on to become the manager of a fella named Elvis.
  • Slim had in his career 20- Top 40 hits on the country charts.