The Battle Of Blair Mountain Begins- This Day 1921



The Battle of Blair Mountain, the largest armed rebellion after the American Civil War began on this day in 1921 in Logan County, West Virginia. 10,000 coal miners were confronted by 3000 lawman and strike breakers who were backed by the mine operators. The mine operators were wanting to destroy the coal miners attempt to form a union in the southern West Virginia coalfields.

The Battle of Blair Mountain would last from August 25th until September 2nd. When the United States Army arrived the coal miners surrendered. Over 1 million rounds had been fired back and forth in the 9 day battle.

The striking coal miners were led by Bill Blizzard. They would have between 50 and 100 killed and 985 arrested. The forces of the law were led by Logan County sheriff Don Chaffin. They would have between 10 and 30 killed.


The term “red neck’ would originate from this battle. The coal miners to identify themselves wore a red bandana around their necks.

The result of this battle was a huge set back for the Unionization of the Southern West Virginia coalfields. It wouldn’t be until the 1930’s and President Franklin Roosevelt that the union would be recognized.

The Battle of Blair Mountain continues to this day. Today the battle is between the coal companies who want to destroy the mountain by  the method of mountaintop removal so they can get to their coal easier and the people who want to preserve Blair Mountain as an historic site.