Nixon visits the Soviet Union-this day in 1974

On this day in 1974- President Nixon was in the Soviet Union. The heat was really on him in the US- he did a lot of traveling to foreign counties the last couple months of his presidency. He couldn’t take the heat- although he said he wasn’t a quitter in the end he was. I remember a motorcade in Egypt and he was treated like a hero. A lot of these foreign counties couldn’t understand the Watergate problem. He resigned for one reason- if he had been impeached and found guilty- and the votes were there- he wouldn’t have gotten his presidential pension. Nixon wasn’t the most corrupt president {I’d vote for LBJ} he was the strangest man to ever be president. In the end Nixon did in Nixon. History will not remember him kindly. The shame of it all is he was in many ways a brilliant man-especially in foreign policy matters. A deep thinker- he puts recent presidents to shame in that catagory.